Land O' Lakes Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - All-Time

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Note: A minimum of 21 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
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Luke Nelson
1. Luke Nelson .387
2. Jeff Rhoads .367
3. Josh Bouche .365
4. Aaron Benz .336
5. Derek Nelson .332
Plate Appearances PA
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Derek Nelson
1. Derek Nelson 226
2. Chandler Ziemann 187
3. Steve Rhoads 185
4. Josh Bouche 169
5. Jeff Rhoads 160
On-Base Percentage OBP
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Josh Bouche
1. Josh Bouche .476
2. Chandler Ziemann .417
3. Aaron Benz .413
4. Jeff Rhoads .409
5. Luke Nelson .406
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
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Josh Bouche
1. Josh Bouche 1.060
2. Luke Nelson .987
3. Jeff Rhoads .899
4. Aaron Benz .880
5. Chandler Ziemann .843
Slugging Percentage SLG
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Josh Bouche
1. Josh Bouche .584
2. Luke Nelson .581
3. Jeff Rhoads .490
4. Aaron Benz .467
5. Nick Lenzendorf .447
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
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Josh Bouche
1. Josh Bouche 23
2. Chandler Ziemann 23
3. Derek Nelson 20
4. Steve Rhoads 18
5. Aaron Benz 15
Note: A minimum of 21 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Original five os baseball proof
Nick Lenzendorf
1. Nick Lenzendorf 2.53
2. Jordan Murray 4.88
3. Josh Hottinger 5.77
4. Dominick Meyer 6.04
5. Chandler Ziemann 6.16
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Original five os baseball proof
Nick Lenzendorf
1. Nick Lenzendorf 1.25
2. Jordan Murray 1.67
3. Josh Hottinger 1.74
4. Chandler Ziemann 2.05
5. Dominick Meyer 2.10
Note: A minimum of 0 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.